Easy Essay to Write for 2000 Words

For various reasons basically boiling down to a three-month mental health crisis at the start of the year actually screwing up my entire second year because of catching up and recovery, tonight I've got to do a 2,000 word-essay in for tomorrow. (It's not actually in for tomorrow, it was in 2 weeks ago, I had a massive extension and somehow it's still not ready ffs). Then I need to revise (read:learn) a module in a week for an exam next Thursday.

Is this possible? Anyone with simialr experience?
and yes I put in MCs

Well, do it and find out?

Definitely possible, but depends on how much you can rant. Some people struggle doing 300 words in 6 hours, but I can pound out 1500 words in half an hour if Im motivated enough, and I have enough points to make.

Any way, we're not you. Only you know how many words you *can* do in a day

Yeah it's definitely do-able!

From experience, yes, its very possible!

Certainly, if you are already familiar with the information and comfortable writing about the topic.

thats all you've missed from three months out? what course are you on?

did my EPQ 5000 words - in 2 days, 2500>2000 forgot about the deadline! I am pretty clever though - I even managed to do this whilst on a holiday in manila but yeah I remember for GCSE coursework I did 4000 in a night, easily

It is possible, but make sure you plan. Otherwise you will end up off topic as you are rushing.

Either way its not exactly like you have much of a choice, either you will get it done or you won't. Get off TSR and write some words


What is your topic?
Do you have a list of points to make?

(Original post by Riku)
For various reasons basically boiling down to a three-month mental health crisis at the start of the year actually screwing up my entire second year because of catching up and recovery, tonight I've got to do a 2,000 word-essay in for tomorrow. (It's not actually in for tomorrow, it was in 2 weeks ago, I had a massive extension and somehow it's still not ready ffs). Then I need to revise (read:learn) a module in a week for an exam next Thursday.

Is this possible? Anyone with simialr experience?
and yes I put in MCs

Last Tuesday I did 3000 words in a day. Thursday I did 3000 words in a day. Friday I did 3000 words from 2am to 7am. You can do it.

A few weeks ago I wrote about 2000 words of a 2500 word essay in one day... finished off the conclusion in the morning. Scored 66 on it (uni, so a 2.1)

Definitely doable I have written a 3,000 word essay within the space of 5 hours before. It all comes down to planning it out.

Posted from TSR iPhone/iPod app

I once wrote 4500 words in about 24 hours, and pulled off a high 2:2 in it... you can do it, get started.

Firstly write a plan.
Any subtle points you want to make should be included.

This should take you around 30 minutes at most.

Then write your introduction and conclusion.

When you finish your essay you will re-write these paragraphs, so don't worry too much about them.

Then begin writing your essay, concentrate on both the over al structure (how the paragraphs al work together) and the individual paragraphs.

Re-write your introduction and conclusion. Feel free to conclude by saying: "To conclude" and to start by saying "I'm going to talk about ... in my essay" etc.

Ensure all referencing is done properly (this usually adds around 90 minutes onto the end of doing my essay, it is the frustrating part).

Every 15 minutes save a copy.
Every 30 minutes email a copy to yourself (in case the computer breaks).

(Original post by Riku)
For various reasons basically boiling down to a three-month mental health crisis at the start of the year actually screwing up my entire second year because of catching up and recovery, tonight I've got to do a 2,000 word-essay in for tomorrow. (It's not actually in for tomorrow, it was in 2 weeks ago, I had a massive extension and somehow it's still not ready ffs). Then I need to revise (read:learn) a module in a week for an exam next Thursday.

Is this possible? Anyone with simialr experience?
and yes I put in MCs

Yep. 2,000 words isn't actually that much although it does seem daunting and to be honest a module in a week isn't that hard. You just aren't going to have as much free time as you normally do though. Just think, I've written 49 words just from this post.

Would be impossible for me. I'm probably not as smart as most people here though.

(Original post by there's too much love)
Firstly write a plan.
Any subtle points you want to make should be included.

This should take you around 30 minutes at most.

Then write your introduction and conclusion.

When you finish your essay you will re-write these paragraphs, so don't worry too much about them.

Then begin writing your essay, concentrate on both the over al structure (how the paragraphs al work together) and the individual paragraphs.

Re-write your introduction and conclusion. Feel free to conclude by saying: "To conclude" and to start by saying "I'm going to talk about ... in my essay" etc.

Ensure all referencing is done properly (this usually adds around 90 minutes onto the end of doing my essay, it is the frustrating part).

Every 15 minutes save a copy.
Every 30 minutes email a copy to yourself (in case the computer breaks).

Totally possible, and this advice is FAB!!

Just to add to this I did a report for TSR which was around 12 pages (cut down to 6 pages) Originally around 4500 words in two days

so yes doable


Source: https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2361457

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