what is an easy painless way to commit suicide

Means past which a person dies by suicide

A suicide method is any means by which a person chooses to stop their life. Suicide attempts exercise not ever result in expiry, and a nonfatal suicide attempt tin exit the person with serious physical injuries, long-term wellness problems, and brain harm.[ane]

Worldwide, three suicide methods predominate with the blueprint varying in different countries. These are hanging, poisoning by pesticides, and firearms.[ii] Other common suicide methods include jumping from a great superlative, drug overdoses, and drowning.[3] [four]

Suicides are often impulse decisions that may be preventable by removing the ways.[five] Making common suicide methods less attainable leads to an overall reduction in the number of suicides.[6] [seven] Some ways to do this include restricting access to pesticides, firearms, and known-used drugs. Other important measures are the introduction of policies that accost the misuse of booze and the treatment of mental disorders.[eight] Gun-control measures in a number of countries have seen a reduction in suicides and other gun-related deaths.[ix]

Purpose of report

The report of suicide methods aims to identify those commonly used, and the groups at chance of suicide; making methods less accessible may be useful in suicide prevention.[half dozen] [5] [10] Limiting the availability of means such equally pesticides and firearms is recommended by a Earth Wellness Report on suicide and its prevention. The early identification of mental disorders and substance abuse disorders, follow-up care for those who have attempted suicide, and responsible reporting past the media are all seen to be primal in reducing the number of deaths by suicide.[11] National suicide prevention strategies are also advocated using a comprehensive and coordinated response to suicide prevention. This needs to include the registration and monitoring of suicides and attempted suicide, breaking figures down by age, sex, and method.[eleven]

Such information allows public wellness resources to focus on the bug that are relevant in a particular place, or for a given population or subpopulation.[12] For example, if firearms are used in a pregnant number of suicides in one place, then public health policies there could focus on gun condom, such every bit keeping guns locked away, and the key inaccessible to at-chance family unit members. If immature people are establish to be at increased risk of suicide by overdosing on detail medications, then an alternative class of medication may be prescribed instead, a safety plan and monitoring of medication tin exist put in place, and parents can be educated well-nigh how to forbid the hoarding of medication for a futurity suicide effort.[x]

Media reporting

Media reporting of the methods used in suicides is "strongly discouraged" by the Earth Health System, government wellness agencies, universities, and the Associated Press amidst others.[thirteen] Detailed descriptions of suicides or the personal characteristics of the person who died contribute to copycat suicides (suicide contagion).[14] [15] Dramatic or inappropriate descriptions of individual suicides past mass media has been linked specifically to copycat suicides among teenagers.[15] Writing for the New Yorker about celebrity suicides, Andrew Solomon wrote that "You who are reading this are at statistically increased hazard of suicide right now."[16] In one study, changes in how news outlets reported suicide reduced suicides by a detail method.[15]

Media reporting guidelines also use to "online content including citizen-generated media coverage". The Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide, created past journalists, suicide prevention groups, and internet safety not-profit organizations, encourage linking to resources such as a list of suicide crisis lines and information about adventure factors for suicide, and reporting on suicide as a multi-faceted, treatable health effect.[17]

Method brake

Method restriction, as well chosen lethal means reduction, is an effective way to reduce the number of suicide deaths in the short and medium term.[18] Method restriction is considered a best practice supported by "compelling" evidence.[xv] Some of these actions, such as installing barriers on bridges and reducing the toxicity in gas, require action past governments, industries, or public utilities. At the individual level, method brake tin be as unproblematic every bit asking a trusted friend or family member to shop firearms until the crisis has passed.[19] [20] Choosing not to restrict admission to suicide methods is considered unethical.[15]

Method restriction is effective and prevents suicides.[15] It has the largest effect on overall suicide rates when the method being restricted is common and no direct exchange is available. [15] If the method existence restricted is uncommon, or if a substitute is readily available, and so it may be effective in individual cases but not produce a large-scale reduction in the number of deaths in a country.[15]

Method exchange is the process of choosing a different suicide method when the beginning-option method is inaccessible.[5] In many cases, when the commencement-choice method is restricted, the person does non try to find a substitute.[15] Method substitution has been measured over the grade of decades, so when a mutual method is restricted (for example, by making domestic gas less toxic), overall suicide rates may be suppressed for many years.[5] [fifteen] If the kickoff-option suicide method is inaccessible, a method substitution may be made which may be less lethal, tending to result in fewer fatal suicide attempts.[5]

In an case of the curb cut effect, changes unrelated to suicide accept also functioned equally suicide method restrictions.[15] Examples of this include changes to align railroad train doors with platforms, switching from coal gas to natural gas in homes, and gun control laws, all of which have reduced suicides despite existence intended for a different purpose.[fifteen]



Suffocation, as a classification of suicide method, includes strangulation and hanging.[21] [22]

Suicide by suffocation involves restricting breathing or the corporeality of oxygen taken in, causing asphyxia and eventually hypoxia. This may involve the use of a plastic suicide bag.[23] It is not possible to die simply by holding the breath, since a reflex causes the respiratory muscles to contract, forcing an in-jiff, and the re-establishment of a normal breathing rhythm.[24] Therefore, inhaling an inert gas such as helium, nitrogen, and argon, or a toxic gas such every bit carbon monoxide, is used to bring nearly unconsciousness.[25] [26] As of 2010[update], organizations supporting a right to die used death past helium inhalation more often than drug overdoses, largely owing to its reliability.[27]

Suicide past strangulation is self-strangulation that may involve the partial suspension of the trunk rather than the full pause used in hanging. Cocky-strangulation involves tightening a ligature around the neck. This compresses the carotid arteries, preventing the supply of oxygen to the brain, resulting in unconsciousness and decease.


Hanging is a common method of suicide.[22] [21] Hanging involves the utilize of a ligature such as a rope or cord fastened to an anchor point with the other end used to class a noose placed around the neck. The crusade of death will either be due to strangulation or a cleaved cervix. About half of attempted suicides by hanging result in expiry.[iv] People who favor this method are usually unaware that it is often a "tiresome, painful, and messy method that needed technical knowledge".[28]

Hanging is the prevalent means of suicide in impoverished pre-industrial societies, and is more than common in rural areas than in urban areas.[29] It is also a common means of suicide in situations where other materials are not readily available, such as in prisons.

Hanging was the most common method in traditional Chinese culture,[30] as it was believed that the rage involved in such a decease permitted the person'due south spirit to haunt and torment survivors.[31] [32] In the Chinese civilisation, suicide by hanging was used equally an human activity of revenge past women[33] and of defiance past powerless officials, who used it as a "final, only unequivocal, manner of continuing withal against and above oppressive regime".[thirty] Chinese people would often approach the human activity ceremonially, including the use of proper attire.[30]


Suicide by poisoning, besides called self-poisoning, is ordinarily classed as a drug overdose when drugs such every bit painkillers or recreational drugs are used. The use of pesticides to cocky-poison is the virtually common method used in some countries.[ii] Inhalation of poisonous gases such every bit carbon monoxide may besides exist a cause of death by suicide. Poisoning through the means of toxic plants is normally slow and painful.[34] [ better source needed ] The mass suicide of members of a cult led past Jim Jones in 1978 resulted from poisoning ("Drinking the Kool-Aid").[35] [ better source needed ]


Share of suicide deaths from pesticide poisoning[36]

As of 2006[update], worldwide, effectually xxx% of suicides were from pesticide poisonings.[37] The use of this method varies markedly in different areas of the world, from 0.ix% in Europe to about 50% in the Pacific region.[36] In the US, pesticide poisoning is used in about 12 suicides per yr.[38] Poisoning past farm chemicals is very common among women in rural China, and is regarded equally a major social problem in the land.[39]

Method restriction has been an constructive way to reduce suicide by poisoning in many countries. In Finland, limiting access to parathion in the 1960s resulted in a rapid turn down in both poisoning-related suicides and full suicide deaths for several years, and a slower decline in subsequent years.[40] In Sri Lanka, both suicide by pesticide and total suicides declined later first toxicity class I and later course II endosulfan were banned.[41] Overall suicide deaths were cut by 70%, with 93,000 lives saved over 20 years as a effect of banning these pesticides.[2] In Korea, banning a single pesticide, paraquat, halved the number of suicides by pesticide poisoning[two] and reduced the total number of suicides in that country.[40]

Drug overdose

A drug overdose involves taking a dose of a drug that exceeds condom levels. In the Great britain (England and Wales) until 2013, a drug overdose was the most common suicide method in females.[42] In 2019 in males the percentage is 16%. Cocky-poisoning accounts for the highest number of non-fatal suicide attempts. Overdose attempts using painkillers are amid the near common, due to their easy availability over-the-counter.[43] Paracetamol is the virtually widely used analgesic worldwide and is unremarkably used in overdose attempts.[44] Paracetamol poisoning is a common cause of acute liver failure.[45] [44] In the The states about threescore% of suicide attempts and 14% of suicide deaths involve drug overdoses.[4] The take chances of expiry in suicide attempts involving overdose is about two%.[4] [ verification needed ]

A drug overdose is oft the first-choice method of members of correct-to-die organizations. A poll among members of Leave International suggested that 89% would prefer to take a pill, rather than use a plastic exit purse, a carbon monoxide generator, or wearisome euthanasia.[46] [47]

Carbon monoxide

A particular type of poisoning involves the inhalation of loftier levels of carbon monoxide (CO). Decease unremarkably occurs through hypoxia. Carbon monoxide is used because it is hands bachelor. A nonfatal attempt can effect in retentiveness loss and other symptoms.[48] [ self-published source? ] [49]

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas, so its presence cannot be detected by sight or smell. Information technology acts past binding preferentially to the hemoglobin in the bloodstream, displacing oxygen molecules and progressively deoxygenating the blood, eventually resulting in the failure of cellular respiration and death. Carbon monoxide is extremely dangerous to bystanders and people who may discover the torso, so "Right to Die" advocates like Philip Nitschke recommend confronting information technology.[l] [ self-published source? ]

Earlier air quality regulations and catalytic converters, suicide past carbon monoxide poisoning was ofttimes accomplished by running a car's engine in an enclosed space such equally a garage, or past redirecting a running car'south exhaust back inside the motel with a hose. Motor car frazzle may have contained upward to 25% carbon monoxide. Catalytic converters constitute on all modern automobiles eliminate over 99% of carbon monoxide produced.[51] Every bit a further complexity, the amount of unburned gasoline in emissions can brand exhaust unbearable to exhale well earlier a person loses consciousness.

Charcoal-called-for suicide induces death from carbon monoxide poisoning. Originally used in Hong Kong, it spread to Nihon,[52] where small-scale charcoal-burning heaters (hibachi) or stoves (shichirin) have been used in a sealed room. Past 2001, this method accounted for 25% of deaths from suicide in Japan.[53] It has become the second most common suicide method in Hong Kong and is a growing trend in other countries.[52] Nonfatal attempts tin outcome in severe brain harm due to cerebral anoxia.

Other toxins

Detergent-related suicide involves mixing household chemicals to produce poisonous gases.[54] [ better source needed ] At the end of the 19th century in Britain, there were more suicides from carbolic acid (a disinfectant) than from any other toxicant since at that place was no restriction on its sale. Braxton Hicks and other coroners called for its sale to be prohibited in 1893.[55] [56]

The suicide rates by domestic gas roughshod from 1960 to 1980, as changes were fabricated to the formula to go far less lethal.[5] [57]


Comparison of gun-related suicide rates to non-gun-related suicide rates in high-income OECD countries, 2010, countries in graph ordered by total suicides. The US was the only OECD country in which gun suicide rates exceeded non-gun suicide rates.[58]

Suicide rate past firearm[59]

In the United States suicide past firearm is the most lethal method of suicide resulting in ninety% of suicide fatalities,[iv] and is thus the leading cause of decease by suicide every bit of 2017.[threescore] Worldwide, firearm prevalence in suicides varies widely, depending on the acceptance and availability of firearms in a civilisation. The use of firearms in suicides ranges from less than 10% in Australia[61] to fifty.5% in the U.South., where it is the nearly common method of suicide.[62]

Generally, the bullet will be aimed at point-blank range. Surviving a self-inflicted gunshot may result in severe chronic pain every bit well as reduced cognitive abilities and motor part, subdural hematoma, strange bodies in the head, pneumocephalus and cerebrospinal fluid leaks. For temporal bone directed bullets, temporal lobe abscess, meningitis, aphasia, hemianopsia, and hemiplegia are common late intracranial complications. As many as fifty% of people who survive gunshot wounds directed at the temporal bone endure facial nerve harm, usually due to a severed nerve.[63]

Gun control

Reducing access to guns at a population level decreases the risk of suicide past firearms.[64] [65] [66]

Fewer people die from suicide overall in places with stricter laws regulating the use, purchase, and trading of firearms.[67] [68] Suicide take chances goes up when firearms are more bachelor.[69] [lxx] [71]

Gun control is a main method of reducing suicide by people who live in a habitation with guns. Prevention measures include simple deportment such every bit locking all firearms in a gun rubber or installing gun locks.[20] Some stores that sell guns provide temporary storage as a service; in other cases, a trusted friend or family member will offering to store the guns until the crisis has passed.[19] [20] When a person is going through a crisis, red flag laws in some places allow family unit members to petition the courts to have firearms temporarily removed and stored elsewhere.

More firearms are involved in suicide than are involved in homicides in the United States. A 1999 study of California and gun mortality constitute that a person is more than likely to die by suicide if they have purchased a firearm, with a measurable increase of suicide by firearm first at most a calendar week subsequently the buy and continuing for half dozen years or more.[72]

The U.s. has both the highest number of suicides and firearms in circulation in a developed state, and when gun ownership rises so besides does suicide involving the use of a firearm.[73] [74] A 2004 report by the National Academy of Sciences found an association between estimated household firearm ownership and gun suicide rates,[75] [76] though a written report by 2 Harvard researchers did not observe a statistically significant association between household firearms and gun suicide rates,[77] except in the suicides of children aged v–14.[77] Another written report found that gun prevalence rates were positively associated with suicide rates among people aged xv to 24, and 65 to 84, but not among those aged 25 to 64.[78] Case-control studies conducted in the United States have consistently shown an association between guns in the home and increased suicide risk,[79] specially for loaded guns in the domicile.[80] Numerous ecological and time series studies have likewise shown a positive clan between gun ownership rates and suicide rates.[81] [82] [83] This clan tends to only exist for firearm-related and overall suicides, not for non-firearm suicides.[82] [84] [85] [86] A 2013 review establish that studies consistently found a relationship between gun ownership and gun-related suicides, with few exceptions.[87] A 2016 study found a positive association between gun ownership and both gun-related and overall suicides amongst men, but not amid women; gun buying was only strongly associated with gun-related suicides among women.[88] During the 1980s and early on 1990s, there was a stiff upwards trend in adolescent suicides with a gun,[89] too as a sharp overall increase in suicides among those age 75 and over.[90] A 2014 systematic review and meta-assay found that access to firearms was associated with a higher gamble of suicide.[91]

A 2006 report found an accelerated pass up in firearm-related suicides in Australia afterward the introduction of nationwide gun control. The same written report found no show of substitution to other methods.[92] Multiple studies in Canada found that gun suicides declined later gun command, simply methods like hanging rose leading to no change in the overall rates.[93] [94] [95] Similarly, a study conducted in New Zealand found that gun suicides declined later more than legislation, merely overall suicide rates did not alter.[96] A example-control written report in New Zealand found that household gun buying was associated with gun suicides, but not overall suicide.[97] The authors attributed this finding to the highly stringent firearm storage laws and very low prevalence of handgun buying in New Zealand. A Canadian report found that gun ownership by province was not correlated to provincial overall suicide rates.[98] A 2020 study as well plant no significant correlations between provincial firearm ownership and overall provincial suicide rates.[99]


Jumping from a unsafe location, such as from a loftier window, balcony, or roof, or from a cliff, dam, or span, is an frequently used suicide method in some countries. Many countries have noted suicide bridges such as the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge (China) and the Aureate Gate Bridge (Us). Other well known suicide sites for jumping from include the Eiffel Tower (France), Beachy Caput (United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland)[100] and Niagara Falls (Canada).[101] Nonfatal attempts in these situations tin can take severe consequences including paralysis, organ damage, and broken bones.[102]

In the United States, jumping is among the least common methods of suicide (less than ii% of all reported suicides in 2005).[103] In a 75-yr period to 2012, in that location were around 1,400 suicides at the Gilded Gate Bridge. In New Zealand, secure fencing at the Grafton Span essentially reduced the rate of suicides.[104]

Jumping is the most common method of suicide in Hong Kong, bookkeeping for 52.1% of all reported suicide cases in 2006 and similar rates for the years earlier that.[iii] The Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of the University of Hong Kong believes that it may be due to the abundance of easily attainable high-rise buildings in Hong Kong.[105]

Cut and stabbing

Cocky-inflicting a wound with a precipitous instrument equally a suicide method is usually to the wrists only can likewise exist to the throat (or abdomen in harakiri). The wounding of the wrists is a relatively common method of attempting suicide, and the ready availability of knives is a noted cistron.[106] A fatal self-inflicted wound to the wrist is termed a deep wrist injury, and is often preceded past several tentative surface-breaking attempts known as hesitation wounds, indicating indecision or a self-harm tactic.[107] For every suicide past wrist cutting, there are many more than nonfatal attempts, then that the number of actual deaths using this method is very low.[108]

Wounds from suicide attempts involve the non-ascendant manus, with damage frequently done to the median nerve, ulnar nervus, radial artery, palmaris longus muscle, and flexor carpi radialis musculus.[109] [107] Such injuries can severely affect the part of the mitt, and the inability acquired to carry out piece of work or interests increases the risk of further attempts.[107]


Suicide by drowning is the human action of deliberately submerging oneself in h2o or other liquid to foreclose breathing. It accounts for less than two% of all suicides in the Us.[103] Of those who attempt suicide past drowning in the United states of america, most half dice.[4]

Starvation and dehydration

A classification has been fabricated of Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED) which is often resorted to in concluding illness.[110] [111] This includes fasting and dehydration, and has also been referred to as autoeuthanasia.[112]

Fasting to expiry has been used by Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain ascetics and householders, every bit a ritual method of suicide known equally Prayopavesa in Hinduism; Sokushinbutsu historically in Buddhism; and as Sallekhana in Jainism.[113] [114] [115] Cathars also fasted to death after receiving the consolamentum sacrament, in social club to die while in a morally perfect state.[116] This method of death is also associated with the political protest of the hunger strike such as the 1981 Irish hunger strike in which ten prisoners died.

The explorer Thor Heyerdahl refused to eat or have medication for the terminal calendar month of his life, later he was diagnosed with cancer.[117]

Death from dehydration can have from several days to a few weeks. This means that unlike many other suicide methods, it cannot be achieved impulsively. Those who die by terminal aridity typically lapse into unconsciousness before death, and may likewise feel delirium and deranged serum sodium.[118]

Terminal aridity has been described as having substantial advantages over physician-assisted suicide with respect to self-determination, access, professional integrity, and social implications. Specifically, a patient has a correct to decline treatment and it would exist a personal assault for someone to force water on a patient, merely such is non the case if a doctor only refuses to provide lethal medication.[119] But it also has distinctive drawbacks as a humane means of voluntary death.[120] One survey of hospice nurses found that nearly twice equally many had cared for patients who chose voluntary refusal of nutrient and fluids to hasten decease as had cared for patients who chose physician-assisted suicide.[121] They also rated fasting and dehydration as causing less suffering and pain and being more peaceful than dr.-assisted suicide.[122] [111] Other sources notation very painful side effects of dehydration, including seizures, pare corking and bleeding, blindness, nausea, airsickness, cramping and astringent headaches.[123]


Some other suicide method is to lie downwards, or throw oneself, in the path of a fast-moving vehicle, either on the road or onto railway tracks. Sometimes a automobile may be driven onto the railway tracks.[124] Nonfatal attempts may upshot in profound injuries, such as multiple bone fractures, amputations, concussion and astringent mental and concrete handicapping.[125]


Some people use intentional car crashes as a suicide method. This especially applies to unmarried-occupant, single-vehicle wrecks,[126] although some suicidal people cause head-on collisions with heavier vehicles.[127] In i report, using a car crash as a suicide method was four times more than likely to kill other people than the average suicide method.[128] Fifty-fifty single-vehicle collisions may harm other road users; for example, a driver who brakes abruptly or swerves to avoid a suicidal person may collide with something else on the route, resulting in damage to the driver or others. Both the targeted commuter and bystanders may be traumatized past the feel, even if anybody survives.

The real per centum of suicides amidst motor vehicle fatalities is non reliably known and probable varies by the ease of accessing a car and the ease of accessing other methods. One review article suggested that more than 2% of crashes upshot from suicidal intent.[129] A study in Switzerland indicated that i% of deaths by suicide involved a motor vehicle collision.[128] A big-scale community survey in Australia among suicidal people indicated that about 20% of men and ten% of women planning a suicide had considered an intentional vehicle wreck, and that a small number had previously attempted a motor vehicle standoff.[130]


On railway tracks above ground, somebody may simply lie downwards or stand on the tracks, equally the speed of an approaching railroad train prevents its like shooting fish in a barrel stopping. This blazon of suicide may cause trauma for the railroad train commuter.[104]

Jumping in forepart of an oncoming subway railroad train has a 59% death rate, lower than the ninety% death rate for rail-related suicides.[ citation needed ] This is most likely because trains traveling on open tracks travel relatively quickly, whereas trains arriving at a subway station are decelerating to stop and board passengers.

Data gathered to 2014 showed that there were three,000 suicides and 800 trespass-related injuries on the European railways each year.[104] In the netherlands, as many as 10% of all suicides are rail-related.[131] In Belgium where rail service is oftentimes interrupted due to a loftier level of suicide past rail, families are expected to cover the substantial cost of track network standstill.[132]

A large number of suicides in Japan every year involve the railway system. Suicide by train is seen as a social problem, especially in the larger cities such as Tokyo or Nagoya, considering information technology disrupts railroad train schedules, damages equipment, harms the drivers,[104] and, if one occurs during the morning blitz-hr, causes numerous commuters to arrive late for work. Suicide by train persists despite a common policy among life insurance companies to deny payment to the beneficiary in the event of suicide by train (payment is usually fabricated in the effect of most other forms of suicide). Suicides involving the loftier-speed bullet-train, or Shinkansen are extremely rare, as the tracks are commonly inaccessible to the public (i.e. elevated and/or protected past tall fences with spinous wire) and legislation mandates additional fines confronting the family unit and next-of-kin of the person who died past suicide.[133] Equally in Kingdom of belgium, family members of the person who died by suicide may be expected to cover the cost of rail disruption, which can exist significantly extensive. It has been argued this prevents possible suicide, as the person who is considering suicide would want to spare the family not only the trauma of a lost family member simply too being sued in court.[134]

The U.Due south. Federal Railroad Administration reports that there are 300 to 500 suicides by train each year.[135] The agency as well reported that those suicides on railway rights-of-ways were by people who tended to alive about railroad tracks, were less probable to have access to firearms, and were significantly compromised by both severe mental disorder and substance abuse.[136]


A sign at a railroad crossing in the Netherlands promoting a suicide crisis line (113)

Railway-related suicides are rarely impulsive, and this view has led to research on behaviour analysis using CCTV at known hotspots.[137] Some behaviour patterns are implicated such as station-hopping, platform switching, continuing away from others, letting a number of trains go by, and standing close to where trains enter. Surveillance cameras are viewable by railway staff.[137] Media reporting has been linked to increased rails suicide attempts.[137]

Public access to rail tracks may be restricted by the erection of fences. Fencing on both sides of the rails lines are carried out. Other preventive measures are landscaping to create tree and bush hedging every bit a natural fencing, and the installation of prohibitive signage. Fencing and landscaping have shown pregnant reductions in suicide attempts, and signage a lesser reduction. Sometimes vegetation along the tracks can obscure the view of the train driver and the removal of this is also advocated.[104]

The installation of platform screen doors in many stations and countries has significantly decreased the numbers of suicides, notably in Hong Kong. In Japan the utilize of calming blue lights on station platforms is estimated to have resulted in an 84 per cent reduction in suicide attempts.[104]

On the London Underground the presence of a platform drainage pit has been shown to halve the number of deaths from suicide attempts.[104]


At that place have been suicide attacks by shipping, including Japanese Kamikaze attacks in the Second World War, and the terrorist initiated September 11 attacks in 2001.

Toward the end of the 20th century, one or 2 pilots in the US died by suicide by aircraft each twelvemonth.[138] The pilot was ordinarily flying alone at the time, and was using booze or drugs most half the fourth dimension.[138] [139] In the rare case of a pilot engaging in murder–suicide, the number of innocent people is sometimes very high. On 24 March 2015, a Germanwings co-pilot deliberately crashed Germanwings Flight 9525 into the French Alps to impale himself, killing 150 people with him.[140] [141] Suicide past pilot has also been proposed as a potential cause for the disappearance and following devastation of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 in 2014,[142] with supporting evidence beingness found in a flight simulator application used by the flying'due south pilot.[143]


In that location accept been documented cases of gay men deliberately trying to contract a illness such as HIV/AIDS equally a means of suicide.[144] [145] [146]


Suicide past electrocution involves using a lethal electric stupor, and is a rarely used method.[147] This causes arrhythmias of the heart, meaning that the eye does non contract in synchrony betwixt the dissimilar chambers, essentially causing elimination of blood flow. Furthermore, depending on the current, burns may besides occur. In his opinion outlawing the electrical chair as a method of execution, Justice William One thousand. Connolly of the Nebraska Supreme Court stated that "electrocution inflicts intense pain and agonizing suffering", adding that it is "unnecessarily fell in its purposeless infliction of concrete violence and mutilation of the prisoner's body."[148] Contact with 20 mA of electric current can result in death.[149]


Cocky-immolation is suicide usually by fire. This method of suicide is rare due to its existence long and painful. If the attempt is intervened, severe burns and scar tissue volition prevail with subsequent emotional touch on. It has been used as a protest tactic, by Thích Quảng Đức in 1963 to protest the South Vietnam's anti-Buddhist policies; by Malachi Ritscher in 2006 to protestation the Us' interest in the Iraq War; by Mohamed Bouazizi in 2011 in Tunisia which gave rise to the Tunisian Revolution;[150] and historically as a ritual known as sati where a Hindu widow would immolate herself in her hubby'due south funeral pyre.[151]

Animal attacks

Some people have chosen to indirectly bring nearly their death past suicide past being attacked past predatory animals. Multiple people have intentionally been killed and eaten by crocodiles.[152] [153]

Several creatures, such as spiders, snakes, and scorpions, produce venom that can impale a person. Although it is uncommon, there have been several cases of suicide or attempted suicide by cobra seize with teeth.[154] [155] While Cleopatra's crusade of death is oftentimes contested, information technology is widely believed that she had an asp bite her when she heard of Marc Antony'south death.[156]

Volcano jumping

Jumping into a volcanic crater is a rare method of suicide. Mount Mihara in Nihon briefly became a notorious suicide site during the Great Depression following media reports of a suicide there. Copycat suicides in the ensuing years prompted the erection of a protective argue surrounding the crater.[157] [158] [159]


There take been several documented cases of suicide by skydiving, by deliberately failing to open a parachute, or removing it during freefall.[160] [161]


Hypothermia is a rare method of suicide. As of 2015, in that location take been only 9 cases in the scientific literature.[162]


Indirect suicide is the act of setting out on an obviously fatal grade without directly carrying out the act upon oneself. Indirect suicide is differentiated from legally defined suicide by the fact that the player does not pull the figurative (or literal) trigger. Examples of indirect suicide include a soldier enlisting in the army with the intention and expectation of beingness killed in combat, or provoking an armed law enforcement officeholder into using lethal force against them. The latter is generally chosen "suicide past cop".

Evidence exists for suicide past capital crime in colonial Australia. Convicts seeking to escape their brutal treatment would murder another private. This was felt necessary due to a religious taboo against direct suicide. A person completing suicide was believed to be destined for hell, whereas a person committing murder could be absolved of their sins before execution. In its nigh farthermost form, groups of prisoners on the extremely roughshod penal colony of Norfolk Island would form suicide lotteries. Prisoners would depict straws with one prisoner murdering another. The remaining participants would witness the crime, and would be sent away to Sydney, every bit majuscule trials could not be held on Norfolk Isle, thus earning a break from the Isle. There is dubiousness as to the extent of suicide lotteries. While surviving contemporary accounts claim that the practice was common, such claims are probably exaggerated.[163]


Ritual suicide is performed in a prescribed manner, unremarkably involving fasting, and often as part of a religious or cultural practise.

Seppuku, also known every bit harakiri, is a historical Japanese ritual suicide method involving inflicting a severe wound to the abdomen. For example, Yukio Mishima died past seppuku in 1970 after a failed coup d'état intended to restore total power to the Japanese emperor.[164] The ritual was seen in the Japanese civilization of the time as a means of saving confront.

Encounter also

  • Advocacy of suicide
  • List of suicides from antiquity to the present
  • List of suicides in the 21st century
  • Sarco device
  • Suicide legislation


  1. ^ "Preventing Suicide |Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC". www.cdc.gov. 11 September 2019. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  2. ^ a b c d "Suicide: 1 person dies every 40 seconds". World Wellness Organization. nine September 2019.
  3. ^ a b "Method Used in Completed Suicide". HKJC Heart for Suicide Research and Prevention, University of Hong Kong. 2006. Archived from the original on 10 September 2009. Retrieved 10 September 2009.
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  156. ^ Come across:
    • Strabo, Geographica, Book 17, Chapter ane, paragraph 10: Octavian "forced Antony to put himself to expiry and Cleopatra to come up into his power live; only a little later she too put herself to death secretly, while in prison, by the seize with teeth of an asp or (for two accounts are given) by applying a poisonous ointment" …
    • Sextus Propertius, Elegies, Book 3, number xi: … "I saw your [Cleopatra's] arms bitten past the sacred asps, and your limbs draw sleep in by a hugger-mugger path." … Available on-line at: Poetry in Translation
    • Horace, Odes, Volume i, Ode 37: … "And she [Cleopatra] dared to gaze at her fallen kingdom / with a calm face up, and impact the poisonous asps / with courage, and then that she might drink down / their dark venom, to the depths of her heart," … Bachelor on-line at: Poetry in Translation
    • Virgil, Aeneid, Volume 8, lines 696–697: … "The queen in the centre signals to her columns with the native sistrum, not even so turning to look at the twin snakes at her back." … Available on-line at: Poetry in Translation
  157. ^ Cedric A. Mims (1998). When nosotros die. Robinson. p. 40. ISBN978-i-85487-529-7.
  158. ^ Edward Robb Ellis; George N. Allen (1961). Traitor within: our suicide trouble. Doubleday. p. 98.
  159. ^ "Jumpers". The New Yorker. 13 October 2003.
  160. ^ West.M. Eckert; Westward.Due south. Reals (1978). "Air disaster investigation". Legal Medicine Annual: 57–70. PMID 756947.
  161. ^ David Dolinak; Evan W. Matshes; Emma O. Lew (2005). Forensic pathology: principles and practise. Academic Press. p. 293. ISBN978-0-12-219951-half-dozen.
  162. ^ Wilcoxon, Rebecca; Jackson, Lorren; Baker, Andrew (i September 2015). "Suicide by Hypothermia: A Written report of 2 Cases and 23-Year Retrospective Review". Academic Forensic Pathology. v (iii): 462–475. doi:10.23907/2015.051. S2CID 79722611. Retrieved 25 Dec 2021.
  163. ^ Hughes, Robert (1988). The Fatal Shore, The Epic Story of Australia's Founding (beginning ed.). Vintage Books.
  164. ^ Nathan, John. Mishima: A biography, Little Chocolate-brown and Visitor: Boston/Toronto, 1974.

Further reading

  • Humphry, Derek (1997). Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying. Dell. p. 240.
  • Nitschke, Philip (2007). The Peaceful Pill Handbook. U.s.a.: Exit International. p. 211. ISBN978-0-9788788-2-5.
  • Docker, C. (2015). Five Final Acts - The Get out Path. Scotland: Createspace.
  • Stone, G. (2001). Suicide and Attempted Suicide: Methods and Consequences. New York: Carroll & Graf. ISBN978-0-7867-0940-iii.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_methods

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