Read From Database and Add It in Vuejs

Add, edit, and delete functionality mostly requires on every dynamic based web projection.

With AJAX you can improve user experience and practise these operations without page reload.

For this, I am using the Axios packet.

In this tutorial, I show how you can select, insert, update, and delete records from MySQL database with Vue.js and PHP.

Insert Update and Delete records from MySQL with Vue.js


  1. Tabular array construction
  2. Configuration
  3. Download & Include
  4. HTML
  5. PHP
  6. Script
  7. Decision

1. Table structure

I am using users table in the example.

CREATE Tabular array `users` (   `id` int(eleven) Not Cypher Primary Central AUTO_INCREMENT,   `username` varchar(100) NOT Cypher,   `name` varchar(100) NOT Zilch,   `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

2. Configuration

Create a new config.php file for the database configuration.

Completed Lawmaking

<?php  $host = "localhost"; /* Host name */ $user = "root"; /* User */ $password = ""; /* Password */ $dbname = "tutorial"; /* Database name */  $con = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password,$dbname); // Check connexion if (!$con) {   die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error()); }

3. Download & Include

  • Download Axios package from GitHub. or you tin can as well use CDN (
  • Now, include axios.min.js with vue.js in the <head> section.
<script src="vue.js"></script> <script src=""></script>


Create <table> to list and add records.

Add together –

Created 3 textboxes and a button in the columns. Added @click='addRecord()' in the button.

Update/Delete –

Use five-for='(user,index) in users' to add together new rows. Create text boxes to edit values and with 5-model brandish value.

Create ii buttons for Update and Delete record.

In the update button added @click='updateRecord(alphabetize,' and in the delete push button added @click='deleteRecord(index,'.

Completed Code

<div id='myapp'>     <table border='1' width='80%' fashion='border-collapse: collapse;'>    <tr>      <thursday>Username</thursday>      <thursday>Name</th>      <th>Email</th>      <th></thursday>    </tr>     <!-- Add together -->    <tr>      <td><input type='text' 5-model='username'></td>      <td><input type='text' v-model='proper noun'></td>      <td><input blazon='text' five-model='email'></td>      <td><input type='button' value='Add' @click='addRecord();'></td>    </tr>     <!-- Update/Delete -->    <tr v-for='(user,index) in users'>      <td><input type='text' v-model='user.username' ></td>      <td><input type='text' v-model='' ></td>      <td><input type='text' five-model='' ></td>      <td><input type='push button' value='Update' @click='updateRecord(index,;'>&nbsp;      <input type='push button' value='Delete' @click='deleteRecord(index,'></td>    </tr>   </table>   </div>

v. PHP

Create a new ajaxfile.php.

From this page handle iv requests –

  • $request == 1 – Fetch records from the users table and initialize $response array. Return JSON response.
  • $request == 2 – Check username already exists or not. If not then insert record.
  • $request == 3 – Update tape in the users table co-ordinate to id.
  • $request == four – Delete record from the users table according to id.

Completed Code

<?php include "config.php";  $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));  $asking = $data->request;  // Fetch All records if($request == 1){   $userData = mysqli_query($con,"select * from users order by id desc");    $response = array();   while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($userData)){     $response[] = $row;   }    repeat json_encode($response);   exit; }  // Add together record if($request == 2){   $username = $information->username;   $name = $data->name;   $email = $information->electronic mail;    $userData = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='".$username."'");   if(mysqli_num_rows($userData) == 0){     mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO users(username,name,email) VALUES('".$username."','".$proper name."','".$email."')");     echo "Insert successfully";   }else{     echo "Username already exists.";   }    leave; }  // Update tape if($request == 3){   $id = $data->id;   $name = $data->proper noun;   $email = $data->email;    mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE users Gear up name='".$name."',e-mail='".$email."' WHERE id=".$id);     echo "Update successfully";   exit; }  // Delete tape if($request == iv){   $id = $data->id;    mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM users WHERE id=".$id);    echo "Delete successfully";   go out; }

half-dozen. Script

Ascertain five variable – users, username, name, and email.

Create 4 methods –

  • allRecords – Transport Mail request to fetch records where pass request: 1. On successful callback assign to app.users.
  • addRecord – Send POST request to add new record where laissez passer request: two, username: this.username, name:, e-mail: On successful callback Empty the data values and call allRecords methods.
  • updateRecord – Read proper noun and email from users co-ordinate to index and ship a POST request to update record where laissez passer request: three, id: id, name: name, email: electronic mail.
  • deleteRecord – Send POST request to delete record where pass request: iv, id: id. On successful callback remove an index from users using splice().

Also, define created option to call allRecords() method on after instance is been created.

Completed Code

var app = new Vue({   el: '#myapp',   data: {     users: "",     username: "",     proper name: "",     electronic mail: ""   },   methods: {    allRecords: function(){      axios.mail service('ajaxfile.php', {        request: one      })      .then(function (response) {        app.users =;      })      .catch(function (mistake) {        panel.log(error);      });      },    addRecord: role(){       if(this.username != '' && this.proper name != '' && != ''){'ajaxfile.php', {          request: 2,          username: this.username,          proper noun: this.proper noun,          email: this.e-mail        })        .then(function (response) {           // Fetch records          app.allRecords();           // Empty values          app.username = ''; = ''; = '';            alert(;        })        .catch(function (error) {          console.log(error);        });      }else{        alert('Fill all fields.');      }      },    updateRecord: function(alphabetize,id){       // Read value from Textbox      var name = this.users[alphabetize].name;      var email = this.users[index].email;       if(name !='' && email !=''){        axios.postal service('ajaxfile.php', {          request: three,          id: id,          proper noun: name,          e-mail: electronic mail        })        .then(function (response) {          alert(response.information);        })        .catch(function (error) {          console.log(error);        });      }    },    deleteRecord: role(index,id){        axios.postal service('ajaxfile.php', {        asking: iv,        id: id      })      .then(function (response) {         // Remove index from users        app.users.splice(index, 1);        alert(response.information);      })      .catch(function (error) {        console.log(mistake);      });       }    },   created: function(){     this.allRecords();   } })

7. Decision

Utilize the index to select the specific tape from an Assortment for the update or delete and with created option load records when the case initialized.

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